Our School » Health


Medical Conditions

If your child has any medical conditions, you must notify the school immediately.  If your child needs medication we need to have a district form filled out by their doctor.  Your child may not carry any medication on their person.  All medications must be housed in the nurse’s office.  Our school nurse is here every Tuesday to consult on any type of medication your child may require during the school day.


It is often difficult for parents to know whether their children are too sick to attend school.  Please keep your child at home if he/she has any of these symptoms:  vomiting, diarrhea, fever of 100 degrees F or above, constant cough, sneezing, or the flu.  Students can return to school after being free of their symptoms for 24 hours.  Rashes of an unknown origin require a doctor's note indicating the diagnosis and releasing your child to return to school.  Students who have contracted conjunctivitis (pink eye) and strep throat may return to school after 24 hours of doctor-prescribed medications.  Please call the office at (323) 582-3727 whenever your child is out ill.  Also, please send a written note with your child's name, teacher, date of absence and why the student was out upon your child's return.  Thank you for following these guidelines.

Healthy Living

Healthy Snacks Students may bring healthy snacks to school; no fast food, sugary drinks or junk food.  With the excessive heat, water is best.